Thursday, December 5, 2013

Young Social Media Idiots Forfeit Education

Don't expect US students to come anywhere near the top in science or math: they are wedded to their social media and the specious 'friends'  We interviewed 22 students from Amherst High School and were shocked to learn that 16 of those students, reported a daily cell-phone and Ipad use of 4 hours or more. Obviously, something has to give. What gives is education: the careful examination and logical analysis, and exposure to entire new domains and fields of inquiry. Loss of these capabilities just confirms what the economy bears: just 3% of Americans are minimally competent in any discipline. The big masquerades is the corporate-loving economists. The government has made sure that all those foolish investors in subprime mortgages were paid back, while cutting unemployment benefits, foodstamps/SNAP, Medicare.

Our research into ancient Anatolia, Palestine and Mesopotamia must necessarily focus on the temple. That structure was usually open to all. It was the center of re-distribution of products, and workers. In ancient Sumeria, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, and the Land of Hatti, the temple provided rations.

The modern dopes say this is socialism, not capitalism. But evidence shows that providing everyone with basic necessities, allowed small investors to save and invest, without worrying about meeting basic needs. This re-distribution also kept folks from falling into debt. It also allowed companies to form without paying high salaries and commissions even before one starts.

As a result of the 2008-10 great recession, millions lost jobs, homes, but the government in Washington has increased benefits. Now it routine to see workers at Walmart and many other places, make so little money that they cannot live. In this case, the US government must return to the roots of polity and economy - the re-distribution of surpluses.

There will be those business people who warp ideological, loudly decrying any hint of socialism, but the redistribution of wealth is actually very good for the economy at large. At certain times in history, ordinary people could hold shares, save and invest, becoming capitalist. So those who descry helping the poor forget the poor would buy things, even to save and invest. That is prosperity, and not the enrichment of a few at the top. Such monopolization of wealth, power, metals, knowledge and information by urban magnates and landlords, had grave consequences, even for polities ringed with brutal troops and cavalry.

Secession Now Approved by state and citizens

Secession has become a practical, workable idea. Back in October, when a bitter battle over funding the federal government was taking place, farmers from three northern counties in Colorado, staged a press conference in which they advocated secession from Colorado. Many people secretly nodded. Then Time Magazine put the secession Texas on its front cover in November, 2013. One can see how organized the southern half-wits are. There are active secessionist parties in 36 states, plus Puerto Rico and Guam. It turns out that there is a lot more thought has been put into this issue, than was recognized by the government, science, the press and by individuals.

'The South will rise again,' they say, and indeed, it has. The main thing rising is heated dust: a legacy of 11 years of drought. Yet the militarist pastors and christ mockers verbally condemn everyone unlike themselves. Texas plays herd boss as sick southern states draws them into a devil's pact. First, destroy 'Obamacare,' what they call the Affordable Insurance Act. These rich bigots do not care to see the millions of Americans who, denied specialist medicare, die. At the same time, they call themselves 'Apostles of Christ' which puts the entire southern Republican political discourse into La La land. Have you seen any bigger hypocrites?

Here in Western Massachusetts we have been preparing for Quebec's eventual independence. That will split Canada in half. That would be a good time for New England to invite the Canadian maritimes to form a greater New England.  Boston is rich enough to support the move.

There are all sorts of combinations. One thinks of the nine nations of NorthAmerica. Need we name them? The Pacific NW from San Francisco to Alaska; Mexiamerica, the SW states, led by Texas; the Empty Quarter: Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Montana; the Breadbasket, the Mid West; Dixie; Miami and the Caribbean; the Rust Belt, from Sudbury Canada to Louisville Kentucky, from New York to Chicago; New England, including the Canadian Maritimes. And Quebec.

There are other combinations. So much research has been done on US counties that one can chart the fault lines of ideology and identification. The people of the USA are richer and poorer at the same time. Half the people make enough to save, the other half cannot earn enough at work to live on.

The economy is something of an illusion. Only because the US treasury and bank have been injecting $85 billion a month into the financial industry, is the economy functioning at all. In bad times, all the capitals return like birds to their roosts. US business people are spooked, baffled, and certainly reluctant to share the wealth with the workers.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Reversals in the physical processes of fat accumulation and suburbia.

Like the more corrupt countries of the world, the USA has a grossly inflated rental market. Rising rental prices due to scarcity is a better way to these dupes and dopers, than actually creating new housing that is affordable. That many of these building companies get sweeties from the government(s) condemns some 34% of the citizens to live in cramped sub-normal apartments. The government has its Section 8 Federal Housing Program, but that is under steady relentless attack by Republicans. Behind them are whole neighborhoods of white old people, in and out of the Tea Party, who want to cut all social assistance 'that they might go back to the islands or to Africa.'  These largely Protestant congregations believe God has chosen us - given to us, riches and command over others. They want to clean the government of all social welfare programs - 'we do not want losers' - for genocidal purposes.  Fortunately, the combined power of women, the poor, immigrants, adolescents, and college students is enough to keep the USA out of their clutches, to slowly render the dead GOP, to boil it down to fat, and use that to generate the electricity for your window AC or electric car.

Window Air Conditioning units is an American invention. It is credited with saving lives in times of heat. But it has also become a palliative panacea, to make the patient or client more comfortable. One thing that happens, is that people keep their ACs running 24/7/365 at full blast. They seal themselves off from the outside, hermitically, then live, year after years, in bubbles. Most have the TV on continually. (Soap operas are favorites)  Not walking causes them to gain weight and eventually cripples them. They often believe in certain fallacies: that AC brings in fresh air, that it cleans the air, that it is easier to breath even if the temperature outside in 24 degrees. The allergies they complain of are usually the mould in their clothing and bedding. They are dry-throat allergies, not nasal bronchial congestion. ACs take water out of the air, so exacerbate the condition, which never heals.

An estimated 20 million American live in bubbles. It does not matter if they are rich or poor. The various ethnic groups are partiucularly susceptible to electronic media, spend 1- to 16 hours a day watching television. Obviously television is ruining the country, at least for the bubble victims.

Overweight people living in bubbles, watching trash TV...what a horrible fate. Children should be removed to such homes. The state should intervene. We cannot afford more zombies on Turtle Island.

by John Paul Maynard, Harvard University

Monday, May 27, 2013

The sun finally came, after 10 days of wind….something’s happening out on the Great Plains, and I don’t feel at ease. I feel like a pin in a bowling game: those big angry storms, bigger than anyone has ever seen, tend to break up after becoming 100 tornadoes, pieces of which I can see come right over the western Berkshire Mtns - toward me.. Like 3 years ago, a little twister killed 3 and destroyed 600 buildings just to the south….the people of Springfield had’t seen something like that since the Agawam chief of the Pocumtuc federation, burned the place in 1675.

Now right now about 20 storm chasing caravans are deployed to the Devil's Stage - that strip of the USA running from Oklahoma City south into Texas, past Waco and G.W.Bush's ranch, to Dallas. These science guys just cruise around, driving fast, heavy SUVs ...they don’t try to get into the funnel, just close enough to spit in it….their footage is really disturbing to watch…

“Twisters were once little things, a hundred feet across, but they’ve steadily grown in size. The monster that hit Oklahomo City was 2 ½ miles across, almost 4 km. The killer that hit Moore should have killed ‘a good two hundred’ but only 29 perished: another weird fact about big tornadoes – you can ride them. Yes, ride them right up, spiraling through the funnel, and then, in some cases, gently put down on the ground…"

The storm chasers I know don’t intend to enter ‘the tunnel funnel.’ They have PhDs after all. But Dr. Owen Swan said: “We approach a funnel like you approach a dangerous snake. You distract it by honing right towards it, then another hand slips around behind, and grabs it from the back of the neck.” He meditates and believes in mind over matter.

Looking at all the southern church-captive communities cowering every time they hear a weather report, one notes simply the weight of ignorance, the tragic and foolish belief by American Biblical fundamentalists, that God sides with the Israelis and the Americans, against the Muslims, Iranians and Russia, and the Africans. This belief, held by most members of the Republican party, is a certain abuse of the holy scriptures, for partisan advantage. But for what? It is harming the world.

We're not surprised that the biblical plagues and 'dust devils' keep thrashing those Southern Zones of Emptiness, for as God says in Exodus 20:7: "If you use my name to commit evil, I will subject you an especially dire punishment."       -JPM, Amherst, Massachusetts USA